March 18, 2022

S2 Ep 11- Wildflowers, Flafitas and Wowitas!

S2 Ep 11- Wildflowers, Flafitas and Wowitas!

Welcome back!  This week we close out our celebrity bio series with Drew Berrymore's Wildflower.  Rebecca recaps some of the chapters for Angeline as well as a brief overview of Jamie Lynn Spears book.  Josh then joins in to talk all things Taco Bell, famous Joshisms and should your cell phone go in you front or back pocket.  We also reveal our next series topics!  

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Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

it's been two weeks,

Angeline Compau:

where you been?

Rebecca Smith:

I don't know, here there. You know,

Angeline Compau:

you know,

Rebecca Smith:

you know, you're the one that left.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, now I'm back.

Rebecca Smith:

I know

Angeline Compau:

from outer space

Rebecca Smith:

with that said look upon your face.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, I'm sad. I don't want to live here anymore.

Rebecca Smith:

Where do you want to live?

Angeline Compau:

Florida? Michigan sucks

Rebecca Smith:

So does Josh.

Angeline Compau:

Michigan sucks. Although it's kind of nice out right now. Like it warmed up.

Rebecca Smith:

It wasn't this morning while I was driving

Angeline Compau:

this morning was garbage.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I don't know what the weather decided to do here but it's 39 now.

Rebecca Smith:

I need it to be warm all week. Cuz I'm driving up to Sault Ste Marie for my

Angeline Compau:

It's supposed to be. Did you look at the weather?

Rebecca Smith:

No, but I hope so.

Angeline Compau:

It's gonna be 50 tomorrow.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Wednesday supposed to be 60.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I don't. I don't let me forget to let out Jasper

Rebecca Smith:

I know you have to let a jasper Wednesday.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah. Don't let me forget. Sault Ste Marie is the worst.

Rebecca Smith:

Is it?

Angeline Compau:

Oh, I don't know. I just it's up north, so I hate it. I hate them. I hate Northern Michigan.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Very hateful.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I'm just hateful toward Michigan. And it's upper

Rebecca Smith:

stupid. Whether

Angeline Compau:

it's upperness

Rebecca Smith:

It's upperness.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

it's uppityness.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

What did you have for brunch today?

Angeline Compau:

Oh, my God, the buffet. I ate everything. A crepe with strawberry banana. chocolate drizzle. I had eggs benedict. I had scrambled eggs. I had pancakes. I have french toast.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

It was so good.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

potatoes, pasta. They had prime rib, which I didn't go for because I was already too frickin full. But they had a prime rib. They had salmon.

Rebecca Smith:

I'm not a prime rib girl. I have had the salmon thing there.

Angeline Compau:

Then I then for dessert, I had their homemade carrot cake because I love carrot cake. And the guy was like it's homemade. It's warm. They keep it under the warmer thing. And I was like, I'm gonna try it. Holy shit.

Rebecca Smith:

It was good?

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god. And then everyone was pressuring me because I had already had coffee and they're like, why not get a drink and I'm like, okay.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, yeah. What was that drink? You posted a picture of it.

Angeline Compau:

It was called Love Spell. It was one of their like, signature drinks that they were doing and it was just like, fruity. Like, had strawberries mashed in it. And she. Kayla was telling me because she got it first. And I was like, that looks good. She was like It tastes kind of like a strawberry daiquiri. But like, over ice and

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Oh my god. So good.

Rebecca Smith:

So good.

Angeline Compau:

I had a couple drinks yesterday with some friends. Didn't get drunk. This one drink, I'm like driving home like whoa, whoo. I don't understand drinks sometimes. But

Rebecca Smith:

I went up north last night. Well not really up north, it was only like two hours out. So it's not like super up north. But

Angeline Compau:

like MidState

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. And we had we did loverboys. We did a taste test of loverboys. Because I like those because they're all natural and 90 calories.

Angeline Compau:

She really likes them because her sweatshirt Loverboy on it.

Rebecca Smith:

And then we did some of the that Blake's hard cider of the mango. Habanero cider. With orange juice.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Some of those. Then, later in the evening. Jodi made French 75s

Angeline Compau:

What are those?

Rebecca Smith:

I don't know.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

It's something it tasted almost like a lemony Martini ish. But it was made with champagne. So good. So good. Had two of those.

Angeline Compau:

That sounds good.

Rebecca Smith:

So I was feeling good.

Angeline Compau:

I, Well, you should you had a nice girl trip

Rebecca Smith:

Which is probably why I'm pooping so much today.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, God, alcohol will do that

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

that will get me. You know what happened to me yesterday, which I already knew going in what this was going to happen? Because I don't know if you ever drink almond milk. It says on there that you shouldn't drink it if it's been open for two weeks. Have you ever seen that?

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

It's on the carton.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, no, I've never seen that.

Angeline Compau:

So I have all been milk at home and I for sure I've had that open for longer than two weeks in my fridge, but I was craving cereal and that's all I got. So I made myself a bowl of cereal. And then another one. And then like two hours later here I am shitting my brains out on the toilet that was like, I knew it was gonna happen. I've done it before, but I couldn't help myself. I really wanted that cereal.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

it was worth it.

Rebecca Smith:

You're not tolerant of two week old almond milk.

Angeline Compau:

No, no

Rebecca Smith:

I feel like I've had it well, my mine doesn't really last that long here because Josh will drink it down.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

like I buy him coconut milk and then he drinks all of his and then he just drinks mine.

Angeline Compau:

But yeah, if you ever see your almond milks been in the fridge for more than two weeks, don't drink it.

Rebecca Smith:

I'll drink it. I don't mind that I'll just I feel like I'm flushing my system out.

Angeline Compau:

I mean, that's kind of how I felt and I didn't think it was gonna hit me so soon, but it did, no

Rebecca Smith:

I've been super gassy though like the last few days, like at dance on

Angeline Compau:

oh my god

Rebecca Smith:

Friday. I'm like, like, I'm just gonna play the music. farting and dancing at the same time. And I'm like, nobody come over here.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god, turn that music up

Rebecca Smith:

every time the music's on and then I'm like, so afraid like she's gonna turn it off in mid like toot

Angeline Compau:

I would totally do that. But mine are mine can't be trusted number one and number two, they will lead back to me through scent. So there's no way that I could get away with it.

Rebecca Smith:

Usually they don't smell on Friday, though. They did. Like I was standing over by the computer playing the music and everybody else is like in the middle of the room waiting for me to start it. I'm like, I'll be over in a second because sometimes it trails you starting the music and pretending like I had to fix my shoe or something.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, my gosh. Great.

Rebecca Smith:

Praying. Nobody comes over.

Angeline Compau:

You start tapping really loud.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes, yes. So my week this week,

Angeline Compau:

it is

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

What did you read?

Rebecca Smith:

I read. Well, I read both of them. But

Angeline Compau:

you read two books, you overachiever.

Rebecca Smith:

This one the Jamie Lynn Spears one you said for me to read it.

Angeline Compau:

Okay. And you got to recap it for us.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. Which? And then I read wildflower by Drew Barrymore.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, good. I like that.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes. Because she's only two years younger than me. Which

Angeline Compau:

I didn't know that.

Rebecca Smith:

I feel like she seems older than me. I always feel like everybody's older than me. But she's two years younger than me. Yeah. So she comes from Do you know anything about her?

Angeline Compau:

I know she was a child actress. Went through a crazy phase. And now she settled herself. She has a talk show.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes. Yes. She does.

Angeline Compau:

Some of my favorite movies of all time. She's been in

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, I've seen a lot of her movies and going through like her IMDb stuff. I've seen a lot of them.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, I love her as an actress.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

She cool as hell.

Rebecca Smith:

So she comes from a long line of well, actor royalty. I would say like, her grandfather, John Barrymore was huge. Like all the old movies that I watch, he was huge.

Angeline Compau:

Okay, maybe that's who I'm thinking of. I knew somebody in her family was like huge.

Rebecca Smith:

Her grandfather and her great uncle were both big, big, big time actors.

Angeline Compau:

Okay, maybe that's who it was

Rebecca Smith:

back in the 30s and 40s. And yeah,

Angeline Compau:

that's crazy. I want to see what her parents look like.

Rebecca Smith:

Her mother is German, Hungarian, I think,

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

And was born in like a camp or something like a work work camp or something like that.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

If I read correctly. Her father was obviously a Barrymore. It's kind of wild. He did some acting too. She's his only daughter by Jade who was his wife at the time. And he she has other siblings, like, half siblings. From him and another woman,

Angeline Compau:

her mom, she looks just like her mom. And you could totally see. Okay, because I was gonna say Her looks are very, like distinct and they are very unique to her. So I was like, I gotta see what her parents look like. It's her mom.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. Her dad too he was cute. I thought

Angeline Compau:

he was cute. Very cutesy.

Rebecca Smith:

But they were both kind of like, messed up.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. I mean, her she got into acting Yes. At a very young age at like four I think she did. When she did ET Steven Spielberg is her godfather, by the way.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. No, she did another book too called Little Girl Lost which I didn't read that came out before this one.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

this book is as kind of just like essays kind of like your Chelsea Handler one.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

It doesn't really go like chronological order. But she picks different topics and writes about them. So she did some background on here where like when she was younger, her and her mom lived in West Hollywood before ET before all of that she lived with her mom and loved living there loved the neighborhood loved the people that they were around in West Hollywood at that time. And she did ET and they got some money. And her mom moved her out to Sherman Oaks and she's like, that's where I get like my like valley girl accent was growing up in Sherman Oaks, California. But yeah, her mom was just like, total like free spirit. And her dad was too to an extent I feel like because he wasn't really in the picture with raising her as much

Angeline Compau:

her dad has like long hair long beard. Looks like Charles Manson.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, he took her to Joshua Tree one year when she was younger.

Angeline Compau:

He looks like a

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

free spirit.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. And so she, yeah, like it was known, like her mom would take her to Studio 54.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

When she was a kid,

Angeline Compau:

that's not appropriate.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. She actually ended up and she talks about it in this book, filing for emancipation. At 14.

Angeline Compau:

did she get it?

Rebecca Smith:

Mm hmm.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, I didn't know that.

Rebecca Smith:

she did. So she was on her own at 14.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, that explains a lot.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. And so she said, like, there was another chapter in here where she talks about going, like she had her whole Wild Child phase. And she's, she's even said, she's like, you know, I grew up in a time where I was, there was a portion of myself that it was so free spirited, like, I would just want to do adventures all of the time and everything. And she says, You know, I was very free with my body. Like, I didn't care taking my clothes off, you know, in public or, you know, nude beaches or you know, whatever. What have you all of that? I would, but she's like, I also did not live in a time of social media.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah.

Rebecca Smith:

Thank God. I didn't.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah.

Rebecca Smith:

Because I imagine she's like, I could just imagine like,

Angeline Compau:

oh my gosh, her nudies would be everywhere.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, she did do Playboy, which ironically, my ex is he used to be a tour manager for this band called hate dept. And they have a song called Drew. That was based on her playboy. But yeah,

Angeline Compau:

she was a centerfold. Or just did like,

Rebecca Smith:

I think she was a cover.

Angeline Compau:

Okay. That's cool.

Rebecca Smith:

But yeah, so she says that was like her total free period. And she was uh, now like, I will have to like, explain to my daughter's at some point. She said that. The end of that was the whole David Letterman thing. Did you? Did you know about that? So she was asked to do David Letterman. I don't

Angeline Compau:

No. know what she was promoting at the time. But she was on there. She had just gotten back from like a trip where, you know, she was feeling good. And this and that. And she said that she had done something like she, she was out somewhere. And she took her top off or something. And so he was asking her about it. And and she's like, oh, yeah, it was no big deal. Yeah. And so this is like, you can watch it on YouTube. Or you can see the clip where she climbs up on his desk, and she flashes him, like such her back as to the audience, but she like lifts up her shirt, and flashes him her boobs. Whoa,

Rebecca Smith:

and she's like, that's the last time that I ever did anything. And she goes, he was very, like, gracious about it. You know, like, it was just kind of like a running joke after that, and this and that. And she goes, had it happened in any other day and age like it would have been way more serious consequences or you know, stuff like that. So

Angeline Compau:

that's insane.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. And so she's like, that's the last time that I've ever done anything like that, like, take my clothes off or anything like that. She's like, after that. I just realized like,

Angeline Compau:

she woke up.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

that's good.

Rebecca Smith:

And this isn't something that I should be doing.

Angeline Compau:

That's good. I'm glad she figured that out. Wow.

Rebecca Smith:

But it was a really, I mean, it was a really good book, if you like her. She talks about her flower productions that she started like her whole flower commission. Now she expanded into Flower Beauty and stuff like that her business partner is lady named Nancy, who when she was doing fever pitch with Jimmy Fallon introduced them and as Jimmy Fallon's wife.

Angeline Compau:

No way. Did not know that.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I love Jimmy Fallon.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes. Yes. Yeah. So she's really good friends with their family. Really good friends with Cameron Diaz and doing all of that.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, from Charlie's Angels.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. But she knew her from before Charlie's Angels. But yeah, they did. She was talking about it was I mean, it's really good. She was talking about how, when they did Charlie's Angels for the promotion of it, they I think it was Marie Claire, or some magazine was going to do an article on them. And thought it would be really fun to make them do like an outward bound type of situation. And then just like talk about it. So Outward Bound is where you have to, like go out in the wilderness and like live in the wilderness for like three days or something like that.

Angeline Compau:

No, thanks.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, I know. And she's like, I was just like a bitch the whole time. She's like, I didn't want to be there. There were production issues and stuff like that. And I was worried my I just wasn't in it. And Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz kind of could feel my energy my negative energy like everybody there could feel my negative energy.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

And so they'd everybody just kind of like, stayed away from me. And she goes, so it was a really lonely experience for her. It wasn't until the end that she actually like got into it. But like, she goes, it was, it was miserable. But

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

so it just like she goes by the time that we were done like the bond that you form if people I see why people do this experience. I don't. I would never want to be in the wilderness without a sleeping bag or.

Angeline Compau:

No, what?

Rebecca Smith:

anything left to my own devices.

Angeline Compau:

God no.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. She said that they had to huddlee together at night for warmth. And so they would rotate like the person sleeping in the middle and then the two on the outside and then every, like, hour or so you'd have to rotate. Crazy.

Angeline Compau:

Fuck that

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

yeah. No,

Rebecca Smith:

she did a whole chapter on Adam Sandler, and how she met with him.

Angeline Compau:

The Wedding Singer is my all time favorite

Rebecca Smith:

that was their first movie. She's like, I stalked him. I stalked him for years because I so wanted to work with him. And this was right off of, you know, Happy Gilmore, like that. She finally met up with him in a coffee shop. And she's like, I felt like we clicked. I felt like it was all there. And she's like, so for the next couple months, I would just like send him scripts and lo Good question marks like, Is this the one Is it the one where we get to work together? And finally he brought up the wedding singer with her.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god, I love that movie.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. And she's like, so after that, just working with him. It's just something that I've always loved.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Because they did quite they did that they did 50 first Dates.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. And that one, she talks about, like, they wanted that script. And they ended up losing it, I think. And it went around to different production companies like that. And Happy Madison finally picked it up. And she thought please God let me do this with you. Please. I he's like, ok we'll do it together.

Angeline Compau:

Them though, working together. Their chemistry is so freakin good.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I love it.

Rebecca Smith:

Blended was good. I like that movie, too.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Forgot about that one.

Rebecca Smith:

So then she has like other little like, letters to her daughter's a letter to her husband in here, which, sadly, a year after this was published, she filed for divorce from him.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

which is really sad. But I did. There was a little part in here that made me think of you,

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

How about that?

Rebecca Smith:

Because it talks about talks about being single.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

it's ironic that we rush through being single as if it's some disease to get rid of or overcome. The truth is most likely one day you will meet someone and it will be gone. And once it's gone, it's really gone. Why does no one tell us how important it is to enjoy being single and being by yourself. That time is defining and amazing and nothing to cure. It's being alone that will actually set you up for being with someone else. I thought that was really good. Yeah. So yeah. But it was really good book. It was cute. It was I'm sad that because she talks about like her in laws and how she hit the in law jackpot with them. And

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

and then to find out that she divorced a year later. It's kind of sad, but

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I wonder why.

Rebecca Smith:

I don't know. I was gonna I was trying to look it up. But I couldn't tell he's already remarried, though.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, that, that's sad. That's even harder to get over.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, cuz she did say that. I did find an article where she said, Yeah, I love that. My, my daughters have a really wonderful step mom, and she's like, it's not always easy co parenting, but I have to make it work. I have to

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

make it good for them. So

Angeline Compau:

that's so cute. I love her. I love her.

Rebecca Smith:

So then Jamie Lynn Spears book, which did talk about Britney, there were two chapters out of like, 14. So two chapters did mention Britney and like her issues. I guess in the beginning. I was going to read this part too.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

So she's saying from the minute that Nickelodeon showed interest, my road to achieving my dream was paved. There is no denying that Britney's fame opened doors for me. But once inside, I had to prove I had talent and strong work ethic studios hire actors all the time and keep the ones who continue to perform. I had to prove myself every day. I wasn't handed anything. My sister was so excited for me when she learned that I was hired for all that. She understood that as a children's variety show could lead to bigger things. Although Brittany was in the midst of an explosive career, she always made time for me and supported my show by making periodic appearances. I loved having her on set and her visits gave us a chance to catch up. So

Angeline Compau:

that's cute

Rebecca Smith:

she talks about that. So she I mean, she recognizes that Brittany was the open door. She did Zoey 101, though for 10 years

Angeline Compau:

for a long time.

Rebecca Smith:

And then she got pregnant.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. So she talks about that. Then she talks about how it seemed to go wrong for Britney after the whole Justin brake up. And then she just kind of went into a downward spiral. And she says, but here I am. I'm still a kid. I still have my thing going on. And what am I gonna do you know, she said, you trust the people you trust the people that are closest to you that they have your back. And that for us was our parents, our family, so we thought that they knew was going what was best for us. But she will say that she when Sam Lufti came along in Britney's life, that's when her world totally crumbled, like Britney's world totally crumbled, like the manipulation by him.

Angeline Compau:

I remember that

Rebecca Smith:

and all of that shit that he did with her is why the conservatorship was put in place after that was put in place, having her parents who clearly we're not the best choice, which she recognizes too

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

she in the later in the book, those talks about how it upsets her that when Brittany gave her testimony to the court where everything was about, you know, my family, this my family that and everything was coming hard down on the family, and she's like, I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't the one that was pulling strings. I wasn't the one all I wanted to do was be her sister. And I wanted her you know, to love me, and I want her to be a part of her life and her part of my life. I have kids now. And you know, she's their aunt and this and that. And so she says that the whole hurtful thing was the fact that she has now like basically disowned the whole family with the conservatorship and not helping her do more and stuff like that. So those were the two chapters that talked about Brittany. Everything else was just about how, you know she did. Zoey 101 and then meeting the guy that her

Angeline Compau:

her baby daddy.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, baby daddy and all of that and how that affected her. And I guess the baby almost died at one point. And then meeting her husband.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. So it was I mean, it was okay. It was interesting, but I mean, I didn't really know her.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

I never watched Zoey 101 that was way younger.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, even for me. I was like, younger

Rebecca Smith:

I didn't realize it was even on as long as it was. But

Angeline Compau:

I was older when that came out. So that was

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

not my thing, either.

Rebecca Smith:

I knew what it was. But I didn't know that was her.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah, I did. But I was just like, meh. I think I watched an episode or two. And I was just like, This is no good.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

No, good.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. So I think it's I think it's sad that she doesn't have a relationship with her sister now.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

I don't know what she could have done.

Angeline Compau:

I think Britney would have wanted her to just speak up at any point in time and

Rebecca Smith:

defend her

Angeline Compau:

and just say, That's my sister. I don't agree with this. And it didn't have to be anything crazy. She didn't have to go out on a rampage and be like, knocking doors down or whatever to help her. But just to say like,

Rebecca Smith:

I agree.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, but she didn't do anything.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

she just stayed silent. I think that's where she's Brittany's more pissed. But who knows? Everyone's got their own way of dealing with things. And Jamie just did it her way. So that's fine.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. I don't know. Like with family stuff, too. Do you want to get involved in that? I mean, I mean, I get it too. I would want my sister to speak up on my behalf.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

as well.

Angeline Compau:

Just to say, Hey, that's my sister. And like I whatever, you know, say something. Just show that you care,

Rebecca Smith:

so yeah, she shouldn't. But it's hard though. When Brittany looks like she's still cuckoo pants. To say,

Angeline Compau:

Hey, and she does. No kidding. She I've seen her Instagram stories I've seen check it out. She looks crazy. Yeah, but everybody else has the right to be crazy. And

Rebecca Smith:

that's right.

Angeline Compau:

And so why can't she?

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

yeah. And I get like and now Amanda Bynes is going through the same thing wanting to end your conservatorship. Did you see that?

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

she's getting her face tattoo removed.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my gosh. Amanda Bynes? I have. I have a whole other. I have thoughts on that one. I have thoughts on that girl.

Rebecca Smith:

I used to I liked her movies when she was younger.

Angeline Compau:

I did too. I did too Gosh, that she's the man was hilarious.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

With Channing Tatum. So anyway, I watched that I liked I liked a few of her movies like she was in Easy A with Emma Stone. Hilarious.

Rebecca Smith:

That was good movie.

Angeline Compau:

I love that movie.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Yeah. I don't know what happened to her.

Rebecca Smith:

I don't know what happened with her either.

Angeline Compau:

But I have some thoughts.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I used to watch The Amanda Show. When that was on Nickelodeon. Like that was my generation. I used to watch that all the time. Like I loved her. She's cuckoo pants. Cuckoo pants

Rebecca Smith:

I really think that there has to be some kind of breakdown that happen like with these girls. I don't know what happened in their life and with Brittany I guess. Like there's only so much pressure you can take and I get why you would have a breakdown.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, definitely

Rebecca Smith:

with everything and like she was saying in the book like the amount of just like no privacy. No, nothing.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah. I'm curious about this whole Justin thing though. Like, it must just be like a really hard breakup. Even though like I don't know,

Rebecca Smith:

even though she was the one that cheated.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Yes. Like so like, I'm just curious about it.

Rebecca Smith:

She didn't really mention a lot. She's, she said it was. She said from her perspective, it was really hard because, you know, he was like a part of their family. And you know, when they broke up, it was like, I lost

Angeline Compau:

a brother

Rebecca Smith:

A brother.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

As hard as it was for Brittany. I don't know.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Did you bring it on yourself? Because

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

you were supposedly the one that

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

stepped out,

Angeline Compau:

Well I'll, just have to wait for her book and see,

Rebecca Smith:

I know.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, that would be I'm really interested to see like, how that's gonna come out.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

like if the writing in this one wasn't that great.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

like it was a lot of repeating stories and like, saying the same thing. And

Angeline Compau:

was being so picky about my next book, because I was like, I have to read something that I know I'm gonna get into and the writing has to be good.

Rebecca Smith:

Stassi Schroeder's new book just came out.

Angeline Compau:

I'm interested in reading hers.

Rebecca Smith:

Me too, because it's all about her being cancelled.

Angeline Compau:

Yes, I'm very interested in that. I want to I'm gonna read your first one too

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

but next week my book so good.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, I'm excited.

Angeline Compau:

I've already done read it.

Rebecca Smith:

You're so good.

Angeline Compau:

I know I redeemed myself for last time.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes. Good job.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

All right. Let's get the dude in here.

Angeline Compau:

The dude, The Big Lebowski

Rebecca Smith:

I just watched that movie.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god, I love it

Rebecca Smith:

So good

Josh Smith:

Are you in a bad mood today Angeline?

Angeline Compau:

check. No, why would I be a bad mood?

Rebecca Smith:

She had brunch

Josh Smith:

I have topics, but let's stop and pause.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god.

Josh Smith:

What did you have for brunch?

Angeline Compau:

We went to Fifth Street Tavern in Clarkson.

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

And had their brunch buffet

Josh Smith:

Is that the one on Ortonville road.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, we went before remember?

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah. We went after

Angeline Compau:

the brunch buffet.

Rebecca Smith:

Brooke's party that one next morning.

Josh Smith:

That's the same place I'm thinking of anyway. Keep going.

Angeline Compau:

We woke up.

Rebecca Smith:

Do you remember that brunch buffet?

Josh Smith:

I do

Angeline Compau:

So that's what we did. We went to the buffet today. Some of the dance girls.

Josh Smith:

Let's talk about

Angeline Compau:

oh boy.

Josh Smith:

what you had I need to understand this.

Rebecca Smith:

We already talked about this.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, we did. I had

Josh Smith:

not with me, you didn't.

Angeline Compau:

I had a crepe made in front of me. Strawberries. Bananas. chocolate drizzle. So good.

Josh Smith:

That's not where I would have gone but keep going.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god. I had eggs benedict. I scrambled eggs.

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I had pancakes. French toast. Potatoes. I had pasta

Josh Smith:

for breakfast.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, cuz they have lunch and breakfast. I'm more of a breakfast person but this

Rebecca Smith:

me too.

Angeline Compau:

Pasta. Oh my god. It was so good. They had carrot cake. They had fresh fruit and salad

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

all that yeah, no, I didn't

Rebecca Smith:

carrot cake isn't filler, salad is filler

Angeline Compau:

salad is filler

Josh Smith:

If you got to the buffet to get the salad you failed

Angeline Compau:

No, I'm not eating the rabbit food at the buffet. No way

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

you know like, and their prices went up. So I'm like not eating filler while I'm there. No way.

Josh Smith:

Fuck that noise.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

no water. No nothing just straight down the gullet.

Angeline Compau:

They have the prime rib which Kayla had the prime rib and it was that looked super tender

Josh Smith:

I am not a fan of prime rib. I don't see it a lot of people do.

Angeline Compau:

I didn't need it. But I mean, a lot of people love it. Yeah, it looked good.

Josh Smith:

It does look good. It looks dirty and bloody.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Rebecca Smith:

All right. We have comments by the way.

Angeline Compau:

Okay, comments.

Rebecca Smith:

This is from a couple weeks ago on the website from not Joe the episode about Jim and Tammy Faye should have been titled let's bag on Joe from what I hear for what I hear the shade thrown will roll right off his back his mentions on your show make for great content. Thanks ladies for the occasional trip down memory lane. Keep up the good work. By way get rid of that old ass picture of Josh off the site and show the audience who you really is. Which by the way I did.

Angeline Compau:

We did it.

Josh Smith:

Thank you not Joe.

Angeline Compau:

When I say we I mean Rebecca but yes,

Rebecca Smith:

Thanks, Not Joe.

Angeline Compau:

Your picture has been updated.

Rebecca Smith:

Did you see it? I sent?

Josh Smith:

It's the turtle, right?

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

I got another comment from Brian Angeline's new boyfriend Brian who said when we move to Florida. him an Angelene will come down and visit us

Angeline Compau:

we will

Josh Smith:

Oh shit, Brian I don't know you so I don't know that you'll be staying with us but you can sleep on the hammock, outside.

Rebecca Smith:

Brian also said that his boat probably wouldn't make it on Jobby nooner. Waters either. Sorry.

Angeline Compau:

Damn it.

Josh Smith:

Sorry, Brian.

Angeline Compau:

It's all right.

Josh Smith:

Well That's it for comments.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, yeah.

Angeline Compau:

I gotta tell you really quick though. I showed my mom your picture next to the turtle. She goes I saw that online. I just thought that was some old man. I didn't know that was Josh. And I was like, That's hilarious. I go, that's Josh she goes, Why does he look like that? I go, I don't know

Josh Smith:

Old man Smitty

Angeline Compau:

she goes he just he just made that face. I don't know what I didn't who that was

Josh Smith:

It's my normal face

Angeline Compau:

No it's not. That's the point. My mom has met you. And she's like, that's that what he looks like,

Rebecca Smith:

which by the way, people? We started. Oh, I have other announcements for us

Angeline Compau:

Yes, I was gonna say announce away

Rebecca Smith:

I got an email today that we hit 3000 downloads.

Josh Smith:

3000 Greg, Greg Louganis.

Angeline Compau:

Does that

Rebecca Smith:

over the whole course of the, yeah

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

for the year because we just did we have a one year anniversary

Rebecca Smith:

our one year we published our first episode on the 26th

Angeline Compau:

Oh, my gosh.

Rebecca Smith:

of March.

Angeline Compau:

Does that earn us a trip to Vegas

Josh Smith:

I'm not paying for it.

Angeline Compau:

Nobody said you have to pay for it. Let's go

Rebecca Smith:

that's an announcement and then we also started our I could be your mother tic tock.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my gosh.

Rebecca Smith:

So if you're on tic tock,

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Follow I could be your mother

Angeline Compau:

watch our first video.

Rebecca Smith:

We posted our first video

Josh Smith:

Yeah, I had some I had some notes on that. That. I thought the best one was? I'm not sure what is the one where you riff in Nirvana Rape me.

Angeline Compau:

That would have been good.

Rebecca Smith:

That was on Instagram. The Instagram story

Josh Smith:

I thought that one was better. I think that's your top I mean, they're all good, but that's your top one. That was good stuff. Yeah. Anyway, guys that's a serious hardcore lizard actual actual iguana rape scene that we filmed.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

so we filmed it

Rebecca Smith:

down and dirty.

Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:

Okay. What's your topic?

Josh Smith:

Well, I did want to give a shout out to all the to my wife Rebecca for all the things she did particularly the lizard rape scene

Angeline Compau:

yes, to finally making our tic tok

Josh Smith:

I know we have to come up with some more content for that. Also also want to say a little R I P to hops. That's not Joe or Joe same person's dog. who recently had his balls removed.

Rebecca Smith:

Ah, and rip to hops' balls.

Josh Smith:

Alright, RIP to hops' balls. Apparently hops has already eaten through the cone that they put on him and Joe said the pain medication doesn't slow him down at all. He's just an asshole. And he eats everything but

Rebecca Smith:

poor hops

Josh Smith:

hops. Sorry, you sackless wonder.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god.

Josh Smith:

RIP hops.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

Also, feedback came in with respect to my taco bell discussion.

Rebecca Smith:

Can I just interrupt you for a second? Because we did get comments from Joe

Josh Smith:

If I said no, would you not

Angeline Compau:

Joe's taking up a lot of time on this podcast

Rebecca Smith:

I know, but we actually did get comments from Joe about our

Josh Smith:

Joe. Joe. Ashley was a big fan on a private text to me about my stance on Michael Jackson.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

thank you, Joe. Ashley.

Angeline Compau:

Oh my gosh.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes, so this is from Joe Turnquist Shut up whore, good one. Who's the fucking idiot now? Gold.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

ski Family Robinson good one as well.

Angeline Compau:

Yes, yes. Oh, good.

Rebecca Smith:

Thanks, Joe.

Angeline Compau:

Comedy gold Josh

Josh Smith:

Thank you. Thank you. So hard taco I put out there a lot of times and a lot of folks that the best fucking meal at Taco Bell is bar none the hard taco. And some dudes that I know you know that eat Taco Bell more than we should?

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

went out and went back to old school and their feedback was yes. It actually is awesome.

Rebecca Smith:

What were they doing instead of hard taco?

Josh Smith:

Oh, you know all the fucking flafitas and the wowitas, cheesy gordita fucking flower it's always something new at Taco Bell. I can't keep up. I just stick with the hard taco to stick with the hard taco but it's interesting. So Angeline that means you who are frequent Taco Bell user, you got to go back and try the hard taco. Let us know.

Rebecca Smith:

What do you usually get?

Angeline Compau:

I get a chicken quesadilla that's my go to our or I'll do a crunchwrap bomb. Although I don't know something. I don't like the sour cream anymore. That's been upsetting my tummy.

Josh Smith:

So just the hard taco doesn't

Angeline Compau:

chalupas fucking bomb if you're gonna put some taco shit and some sort of Shell put it in a chalupa shell.

Josh Smith:

Chalupa's not as crunchy.

Angeline Compau:

Dude. It's like a soft taco, but it's hard. Super good. It's so good. It's like a mix of both. Yeah, there is crunch to it. Okay, that's the last time I had a hard taco. I got pissed off and I'll tell you Why cuz I took one fucking bite out of it and then the bottom just split in half and here's all my shit falling out of my taco No

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

that happens on your at home tacos for sure, but I find Taco Bell that happens sometimes, but not as often. Were you driving when you ate it?

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

Be honest.

Angeline Compau:

Be honest. No, cuz I don't want to get lettuce and tomato shit all over my car

Josh Smith:

I get it.

Angeline Compau:

I often spill, I spill all over my truck

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, because I can't wait. Yeah, yeah yeah It's funny when I say bring Taco Bell home. We don't know like what actually Josh got like he'll have his whole taco meals

Josh Smith:

You'll never know

Rebecca Smith:

But I am quite sure not all of them made the ride.

Josh Smith:

My wife says hey go get takeout she wants to order it now i don't i don't want to order ahead because I know when I go get takeout.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

I'm gonna sit at the bar by myself here have a beer

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Blah blah blah blah blah quiet time. Are you relax and get quiet time of watching some sort of sports event. saying I don't give you quiet time? I'll give you a fucking quiet time you want?

Josh Smith:

No. I enjoy the bar atmosphere.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

All right, hold on,

Rebecca Smith:

me and my dudes,

Angeline Compau:

I could talk about Taco Bell all day.

Josh Smith:

It's awesome, but

Rebecca Smith:

I don't know why you eat it. It gives you the shits every time.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

yeah, I know. lately. It has not been giving me the shits. I know

Rebecca Smith:

you're building up a tolerance.

Angeline Compau:

But I've been working on like for real?

Josh Smith:

She's been slaying Taco Bell nightly

Angeline Compau:

Yeah. I have been I've been trying to season it. condition it so that I could have it more because

Josh Smith:

she's trying to make herself a cast iron pan. Conditioning

Angeline Compau:

I've been trying

Josh Smith:

very little soap goes on Angeline

Rebecca Smith:

Taco Bell workout

Angeline Compau:

I got I got one of those power bowls The one time I think it was the sour cream that must be up so I've been avoiding.

Rebecca Smith:

So just don't do Sour cream.

Angeline Compau:

Yes. I think that's what I'm gonna have to do.

Rebecca Smith:

Way to figure it out a way to narrow it down.

Josh Smith:

Keep training.

Angeline Compau:

I'm going to I'm going to

Josh Smith:

push it

Angeline Compau:

oh man. I want to try everything on the menu. That's all I should do that I should we should make a challenge. I would just challenge myself to eat everything on the menu.

Rebecca Smith:

That can be our next tic tok

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Talk about talent. All right. What's your other you have another one?

Josh Smith:

So I was you've heard me say this a million times. But I was listening to the radio or the TV the other day and for the first time since I was like eight or nine. Somebody on the radio said does a one legged Duck swim in a circle

Rebecca Smith:

OH YEAH was on TV.

Josh Smith:

So I gotta say I bought when I saw that and heard that it was a car dealership. You know local channel in Shreveport Louisiana. I'm not saying that I spread it where the TV person got it from someone but there's a chance that actually came from me.

Rebecca Smith:

I really don't think

Josh Smith:

because I've been spreading that saying I'm just saying like

Angeline Compau:

oh my god,

Josh Smith:

I could have actually started that back up. You know?

Rebecca Smith:

I don't think you did.

Josh Smith:

I pulled on that lawnmower string a lot

Angeline Compau:

have you?

Rebecca Smith:

You do say that all the time.

Angeline Compau:

I haven't heard it

Josh Smith:

does a one legged duck swim in a circle

Rebecca Smith:

yeah, if you ask him a question

Angeline Compau:

does it?

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah.

Josh Smith:

does a fat puppy hate Fast Cars. The other ones that I was thinking about which which I could get in trouble for was somebody said something to work like Well, I'm better at it than so and so and I looked at him and I said that's like saying you're the taller two midgets

Angeline Compau:

oh my god that's funny. That's really good

Josh Smith:

It's one of my favorie ones when somebody says I'm better at it than this person. You can hit him with that one so hard to be like oh that I have no comeback. That's a good one.

Angeline Compau:

I'm gonna use that

Josh Smith:

yeah, I love that one. That one and Beggars can't be choosers like when somebody give somebody something like I wanted the other way like look, listen, beggars can't be choosers fucking getting this one

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

I like that but taller of two midgets. You can pull that one out.

Angeline Compau:

I'm going to

Josh Smith:

It's a good stopper.

Angeline Compau:

I'm gonna drop that on somebody

Rebecca Smith:

you always do say turd in the Punchbowl too

Josh Smith:

turd the Punchbowl

Angeline Compau:

look at you with all your little sayings

Josh Smith:

that's a Joe turnquist one as well. Althought Jose just says turd

Rebecca Smith:

you also say let's put some lipstick on this pig and get it outta here

Angeline Compau:

Oh my god

Josh Smith:

this isn't gonna look good I just could get the window dressing on it and get it outta here that's basically just described all private equity companies to everybody they these private equity companies they say we're gonna make a world class and then you look underneath this and they have no intension of doing that

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

they're behind the scenes really Just fucking make it look good so we can sell

Rebecca Smith:

it's what we're gonna do with our house.

Josh Smith:

Yeah, for those potential homebuyers that are going to be interested in our house we are definitely going to lipstick this fucking pig

Angeline Compau:

oh my god

Josh Smith:

I did have one

Rebecca Smith:

Angeline maybe you can buy our house

Josh Smith:

we're not gonna lip stick it for you Angeline

Angeline Compau:

yeah lip stick it for me. Rent it to me.

Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:

we Should

Josh Smith:

we don't do renters

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah we do if it's Angeline,

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

It's not the kind of house that rents well septic problem is because nobody's

Angeline Compau:

Now I'm not buying it

Rebecca Smith:

she's just one person

Angeline Compau:

now not buying it

Josh Smith:

you've got bowel movement issues. There's a lot of paper.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh my god.

Angeline Compau:

lactose intolerant guys

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I know. I'm working on it, working on it.

Josh Smith:

What are we gonna do when angeline deadbeats up? You're going to evict her? like you're gonna put yourself in a bad position

Angeline Compau:

yeah that's what you signed papers for lease agreement man I don't follow the rules

Josh Smith:

credit risk

Rebecca Smith:

we're gonna write it in a contract is amazing we need to approve any suitors anybody that potential live in mates

Angeline Compau:

yep yeah

Josh Smith:

we also

Rebecca Smith:

we get final veto

Josh Smith:

drop our dog and cat off for weeks or months on end when we decide to travel.

Rebecca Smith:

Yeah, it's gonna happen.

Angeline Compau:

Oh no Wilbur and Penny will make babies.

Rebecca Smith:

No Wilbur's fixed

Josh Smith:

Wilbur is sackless poor Wilbur

Angeline Compau:

Penny doesn't have her parts either.

Josh Smith:

So cell phone debate. We're gonna say a big fan of John Truss agree with John trust. I agree with John trusts on this his brother Frank. I don't agree with there's a shocker. I don't agree with Frank on something. I believe when I'm walking around, I put my cell phone in my back pocket. And the reason I do this fits in my back pocket, but it doesn't fit in my front pocket. And if you get into front pocket, it's like a triple lindy to getthat fucker out of there.

Angeline Compau:

I don't like it

Rebecca Smith:

because you're Johnson's too big.

Josh Smith:

Well, that's a big reason why yes

Angeline Compau:

I didn't want to know that.

Josh Smith:

So there are people out there that think putting it in your back pocket,

Rebecca Smith:

Josh have you ever sent a dick pic?

Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:

I didn't think so.

Josh Smith:

I'm never gonna

Rebecca Smith:

Well, I hope not. Unless you're sending it to me, but I've seen it no mystery they're

Angeline Compau:

not about the mystery. It's about spicing it up if you guys are together that's cool.

Josh Smith:

the other day I came out of the shower like beck beck I didn't expect it because she doesn't get up in the morning. And I'm like, Whoa.

Rebecca Smith:

He ran back in the bathroom like. Oh,

Josh Smith:

I was totally unprepared

Rebecca Smith:

hid behind the door.

Angeline Compau:

It was your wife.

Josh Smith:

But it's not something you normally see when you just walk out

Rebecca Smith:

we're not naked people Angeline.

Angeline Compau:

You guys aren't like Rob and April.

Rebecca Smith:

No, we are not

Josh Smith:

no. All we don't have six kids in the hot tub with us naked like while, we're naked rob and April.

Angeline Compau:

I am a naked person if I'm by myself, but

Rebecca Smith:

if I'm by myself yeah. Which obviously he is too. He thought he was by himself but

Angeline Compau:

but if I was with somebody I'd be a naked person too. I'm not

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Obviously not because I live with my mom right now. That's not cool.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

Sorry to interrupt you.

Josh Smith:

Right? That's all right. Go ahead.

Angeline Compau:

Talk about naked time.

Josh Smith:

It's all I had. Well, I did have the

Angeline Compau:

oh the cell phone in the back pocket.

Josh Smith:

Well, it's just a point that any guy that carries it in his front pocket is an idiot I agree with John trust on this.

Angeline Compau:

Do you know how many times I've dropped a phone in the toilet because I forgot it was in my back pocket and I pulled my pants down and it fell in the toilet

Josh Smith:

happened to me the other day on a turd filled bowl

Angeline Compau:

three times

Josh Smith:

turd filled going down.

Angeline Compau:

That's gross. Mine's always empty because it's when I'm pulling my pants down. But three phones have gotten dumped in the toilet because of that

Josh Smith:

my mind was flush pulling pants up in the back pocket drooped over caught the lid did a double gainer right down. It was too big to go down the hole. So now I'm like well, I gotta get it out of there Right?

Angeline Compau:

You have to put your hand in poop water

Josh Smith:

so well it had flushed but yeah, so I go down there and I'm rinsing it out. And I gotta carry it back to my desk take it all all the stuff off and sanitize the shit out of it. Then I got to go back to the bathroom so I can wash my hands because just touch the shitty phone. I will say the back pocket presents an issue with a toilet

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

you can tuck that shit in. I was I was loose. I was loosey goosey I got in the stool.

Angeline Compau:

Hey Three times I was loosey goosey I lost three phones to the toilet

Josh Smith:

something tells me Angelina has been loosey goosey more than three times

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

I did have a one more thing just Just a heads up shout out. Tom Izzo 24 NCAA is a row way to go Tom good job go green

Rebecca Smith:

University of Arizona number one seed

Josh Smith:

number one seed big time and not not a particularly difficult path. I mean, they

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

I don't think any team in that region can I mean Arizona can just say we're just gonna throw up 90 play no D and

Rebecca Smith:

they're without one of their best players, although they did win that pac 12 tournament

Josh Smith:

Don't you think he could be ready to be back.

Rebecca Smith:

I don't know. I don't know how bad it is.

Josh Smith:

Is it the clap?

Rebecca Smith:

No, it's an ankle injury.

Josh Smith:

Anybody know what the saying avoid that when the guy signed the thing?Avoid The clap who's that from?

Rebecca Smith:

A League of their own?

Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

Jimmy dougan. Then he says to the kid, little toy boy. Hey that's good advice kid. He signs some little kid's ball avoid the clap.

Rebecca Smith:

I'm so excited that we decided to do movies series. So I told you what we were going to do?

Angeline Compau:

Yes, yes.

Josh Smith:

Did we really decide?

Rebecca Smith:

Yes. Remember we told you. So. If you want more, you guys want more movie or whatever. But it's not just movies so I'm going to do April because it's my birthday month so I get all the pics

Josh Smith:

it's also our anniversary

Angeline Compau:

How convenient that you picked this series right before your birthday

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

How convenient.

Rebecca Smith:

And Josh I think I'm gonna give you July so we have a couple months in between

Josh Smith:

i can't get my birthday month

Rebecca Smith:

no because it's too soon

Angeline Compau:

see what I mean and she totally just nixed my birthday month, mine was in January so I don't get one

Josh Smith:

Let's do our birthday months because then we're gonna wait all the way to January, she'll forget by then

Angeline Compau:

no this is some bullshit.

Josh Smith:

It's not our fault you're born in January you cold weather slut

Angeline Compau:

It's her fault for choosing to do it this way.

Rebecca Smith:

Your'e the one that wanted to do it

Angeline Compau:

I know but I'm getting another month because this is bullshit.

Rebecca Smith:

I figure we can do so if I do April if you do January. I do April.

Josh Smith:

I do June

Rebecca Smith:

you do July? Because we have two months in between. Then we do October scary movies.

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

that means Angeline doesn't get to pick til next January.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

I'm fine with that.

Angeline Compau:

No, I'm not not,

Rebecca Smith:

she can pick up she can pick scary movies in October.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, I get something. So I'm okay with that. Yeah,

Rebecca Smith:

and then December if we decided to do we can do some minisodes on some Christmas movies

Angeline Compau:

just I don't know. Oh my god. what kind of crap are you gonna pick over there? I don't

Rebecca Smith:

we have to lay down rules, you can't pick stupid shit.

Josh Smith:

no, you said you could pick a movie or a series. You've told me. my shit's good.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

If it's a series. It's you. It's either bingeable Six. Episode thing

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

No, I'm not watching six seasons.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

no, but you have to watch up to six episodes.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

My shit's good. Like you're gonna like it.

Rebecca Smith:

He's gonna make you watch the West Wing.

Josh Smith:

No, I'll even tell you what I'm gonna make you watch

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

Peaky Blinders.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, yeah I know that show. Maybe I'll just get on.

Josh Smith:

Sex, drugs,

Rebecca Smith:

rock and roll.

Josh Smith:

Pre rock'n'roll. Time period. a lot of death. A lot of fighting.

Angeline Compau:

Okay, so I gotta watch

Josh Smith:

it's like Game of Thrones without you know the dragons in the magic.

Angeline Compau:

I like Game of Thrones. I'll watch that too

Josh Smith:

A lot of nudity in Game of Thrones.

Angeline Compau:

Yep, I'm here for it.

Josh Smith:

This is gonna be mine. Peaky Blinders.

Rebecca Smith:

But yeah, you have your weeks you have three other topics

Angeline Compau:

things. Yeah.

Josh Smith:

You're gonna watch all six episodes in one week.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

Okay, so I had to pick three other episodes.

Rebecca Smith:

You have to pick three other things. What?

Josh Smith:

I have to tell you now but it'seasy.

Angeline Compau:

No, you don't have to

Rebecca Smith:

It's gonna be dune.

Josh Smith:

I'm not gonna make you watch dune.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

you've already watched it.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, fuck, it it gonna be the foundation.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, God.

Josh Smith:

If your behavior stays as poor as it has. Got to be the foundation. Original Doctor Who 70s

Rebecca Smith:

it's not just series. It's movies too. It's gonna be something shitty

Angeline Compau:

I wouldn't mind watching Doctor Who I've heard. That's really good.

Josh Smith:

This is the original

Rebecca Smith:

the original one.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, that one's not as good. Oh, that's what I'd say. I heard it's good.

Rebecca Smith:

Josh says it's awesome

Angeline Compau:

the intenet blew that showed up a few years ago. Like it was like a huge thing.

Rebecca Smith:

There was a new doctor who though that came out.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

When I was a little kid. We used to watch my dad used to watch Mystery Science Theater. 3000.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

it was funny or hell. I mean, you can't do it now because it would definitely not

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

By the woke crowd.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, you'll get canceled.

Josh Smith:

Yeah, you know, I need to be canceled.

Angeline Compau:

You're about to get cancelled

Josh Smith:

society should shun me, I'm okay with I would be okay. being shunned.

Angeline Compau:

I would be too. Let's shun you.

Josh Smith:

So we just real quick, we're gonna we're gonna talk about the keys real quick. Cuz I'm actually serious about this.

Angeline Compau:

Me too.

Josh Smith:

And I've been thinking about it and researching it. Basically every waking moment. Here's the deal. Let's say we move down there in three years, four years, whatever it is. And after a year, we don't like it.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

you make your money back easily,

Angeline Compau:

or you rent me your house. That's why I say I don't want to sell But

Josh Smith:

I did find this video from this couple about our age that was talking about they had their one year anniversary in the keys about likes and dislikes. So they were going through all the likes, which is kind of what you expect. And today we're talking about job they're like, if you are willing to like go to work like you did in your old place. You're done. It's easy, because people can't find people that don't just get sort of absorbed in the Keys life. They just stopped working. So it was kind of interesting, but then they started talking about some of the bad things. And one of the things you brought up that I said didn't exist because saltwater totally wrong. Crazy mosquitoes.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

I was shocked by that. They said lizards but I don't the lizards don't bother me. Not poisonous, you know.

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

I mean, there's a I guess a rape scene every now and then. Got a cat the cat will chasethe lizards? But I mean they're not gonna hurt me or you

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

they didn't bring up snakes.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, fuck snakes

Josh Smith:

they said the cockroaches are big but he said for the houses that are all on the raised pillars you're golden

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

so I still think I like that idea

Angeline Compau:

I don't like cockroaches. Oh cockroaches are nasty

Josh Smith:

yeah if so I grew up in Louisiana they won't be bigger than there they're fucking huge in the south doesn't matter where there's huge warm weather

Angeline Compau:

yeah we just like spray so that like they die

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

and they don't come in

Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:

yes you can

Josh Smith:

they're just they they're cockroaches they can survive nuclear wars

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

there's still spray you can still spray for them

Angeline Compau:

I'm gonna I'm gonna mix so many chemicals I'm gonna kill em

Josh Smith:

good good

Rebecca Smith:

they didn't mention hurricaines

Josh Smith:

make sure to get your whole head in front of the shotgun

Angeline Compau:

sniff at all

Rebecca Smith:

they didn't mention hurricanes on that list

Josh Smith:

I haven't listened to the whole thing. They said rain they said it rains a lot which we you know we knew so okay, but it's not like rain here where it's raining in the lakes gonna rise whatever it's just

Rebecca Smith:

no there rain for like 10 minutes it's a tropical climate it's gonna rain.

Josh Smith:

Yeah, they said just gotta get used to it. Like it blows through pretty quick. I haven't listened the rest of video but I'm really into this keys idea.

Angeline Compau:

Okay, you keep doing research.

Rebecca Smith:

So I sent Josh an article too about the polar ice caps melting.

Josh Smith:

That's scary

Rebecca Smith:

ones on the verge of melting and when that goes Florida underwater,

Josh Smith:

and that, yeah, that puts a pause on it. Because you know,

Angeline Compau:

not surprised

Rebecca Smith:

and you don't do that shit coming.

Josh Smith:

You know? If they say if they say it's 60 years for us? I don't really fucking care because we'll be dead and we don't have kids. I'm not looking to give any this away to anybody. But if they said, No, we're not. We have to really understand that.

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

you don't know when it's gonna happen.

Angeline Compau:

Think aboutyour kid that's right here right now. In fact, you know what where's your will let me, let me

Rebecca Smith:

we don't even have one Angeline. That's the whole

Angeline Compau:


Rebecca Smith:

another thing

Angeline Compau:

let's start one for you guys and I will help you. I will write in a bunch of stuff for you. Don't you know what let me handle it? I got this

Josh Smith:

Oh, hey, and I just realized we're leaving in two months to go to San Diego

Angeline Compau:

San Diego

Josh Smith:

A whale's vagina. I'm really excited about this

Rebecca Smith:

I'm leaving before that to go to Seattle.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:

which Angeline is not going with me now. She's making me go by myself.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

So sad. I was gonna call you to get a coke for me today, but I forgot.

Angeline Compau:

You know, that's funny, cuz I almost texted Rebecca and asked if anybody needed a coke.

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

and I didn't because I was like, Man, I don't feel like stopping.

Josh Smith:

I so need a coke.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

So those are my topics. I do think the cell phone in the front pocket. Like, I do need to understand because to me, you're you're just a dumbass if you carry it there, but are there if I have a coat with zipper pockets, then I'll put it in that for sure.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

but if I'm just walking around it's in my back pocket,

Angeline Compau:

You know how easy it is for somebody to come and steal your phone in your back pocket.

Josh Smith:

I live in Ortonville. It's just I just don't think there's a lot of pickpockets out here.

Angeline Compau:

It could be.

Rebecca Smith:

You never know. Do people really want to steal phones? Still, though? I mean,

Angeline Compau:

I don't know. Just saying that's I think that's more why people do it. They'll keep it in their front pocket because it's harder to take.

Josh Smith:

What do you feel about guys or girls that still walk around with the phone holster?

Angeline Compau:

Oh, my gosh.

Rebecca Smith:

Josh used to have one of those.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, my God.

Josh Smith:

When I had my Crackberry.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Yeah, you need to be shunned. If you're still doing that. If you're if you're under 60. And you're doing that if you're like, old, I get it.

Josh Smith:

Oh, if you were working like in construction or something and looking at you know, I get it. I get it. You know, but once you leave job site, you know, you need to go back pocket. You can't have a holster.

Angeline Compau:

No, you should never have a holster if you're under 60.

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

Yeah, you're a super nerd. Get get rid of that.

Josh Smith:

Not Joe. Be proud of that. And I can't talk about others. Oh, and my wife. I'm not allowed to talk about other vacations. She's ruined my step there. I almost let it out.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

I almost let the moose loose.

Rebecca Smith:

Yes, no, you're not allowed to talk about other vacations.

Angeline Compau:

Go it

Josh Smith:

I was gonna go to Switzerland to get a third ball put in. They do that now.

Angeline Compau:

Do they really?

Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

They probably do they do everything

Josh Smith:

I just felt like I needed a third ball?

Angeline Compau:

I can't believe I fell for that. I fall for everything

Josh Smith:

the best one ever is when he fell for us when you jumped up and I got the punch in the stomach.

Angeline Compau:

That was the best

Josh Smith:

so there's a hot food challenge at work so I don't mind getting slapped in the face. I can take it but I'm wondering. I'm gonna get fired that day.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

cuz I'm, I'm gonna haul off like if

Rebecca Smith:

you are not

Angeline Compau:

better. Not.

Josh Smith:

I wouldn't. I wouldn't do it.

Angeline Compau:

You're gonna get fired, for sure.

Josh Smith:

But I'm gonna I'm gonna flat out win

Angeline Compau:

You're probably already on the verge of getting fired and they're just looking for a reason so I wouldn't do it

Josh Smith:

you know the sad thing is it's not that we're rich if I lose my job I'm gonna retire anyway,

Angeline Compau:

you know what that's code for, I'm rich

Josh Smith:

we have a very very we don't have a very expensive lifestyle except Beck Beck spends a lot of money

Rebecca Smith:


Josh Smith:

she's out there whoring, traveling, eating lunches buffets and

Rebecca Smith:

and I use my allowance

Josh Smith:

champagne for breakfast everyday.

Angeline Compau:

How do I get an allowance. Can I Can I get in on that?

Josh Smith:

I want the yard scooped.

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I'll throw it in the lake.

Josh Smith:

Throw it in the woods, the yard weed eated

Angeline Compau:

it's going in Joe Ashley's yard

Josh Smith:

and I got a shit ton of like heavy yard work to do that you can help with I'll pay you,

Angeline Compau:

oh fantastic

Josh Smith:

$6 an hour under the table. and use of our boat and our beach?

Rebecca Smith:


Angeline Compau:

I'm already getting that for free. So

Josh Smith:

not this year. So basically,

Rebecca Smith:

kayla pays in guacamole you're gonna pay in yard work

Angeline Compau:

I don't like this deal anymore.

Josh Smith:

All Beck's friends are either gonna have to chip in like, they're gonna have to find their boyfriend or husband and send him over to do labor for a day. Or do the labor themselves.

Rebecca Smith:

Gotta pay the troll toll

Josh Smith:

If you want to get this boy's soul. Alright, that's all I got.

Rebecca Smith:

Okay, guys,

Angeline Compau:

go sports ball.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, did you see we got 119 downloads for our episodes last week.

Josh Smith:

We don't actually give enough shout outs to Greg Louganis who's never come back. Come back.

Rebecca Smith:

I know we got he's starting his own podcast he's not gonna have timefor us.

Angeline Compau:

Yeah, but we should. Oh, maybe we can do a crossover.

Josh Smith:

Can we? Can we ghost him or something where he knows we're looking at him. i don't know what ghosting means.

Angeline Compau:

We got to tweet him again.

Josh Smith:

He's back on cameo. We can get a cameo from him.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, we need to get a cameo.

Josh Smith:

We have intruders in the yard. There's dudes out ice fishing.

Rebecca Smith:

Thank you everybody for listening. That was awesome to get 119 downloads in one week. I don't know what we did for that.

Josh Smith:

But you no longer took me to download that shit 106 times.

Angeline Compau:

That is funny.

Rebecca Smith:

You're so dumb.

Angeline Compau:

That's hilarious.

Rebecca Smith:

But yeah, so now we have our tic tok so follow us on all social media. If you follow us and review us that helps our ratings and then other people will listen to us and Josh can get his boat

Angeline Compau:

any new followers that we get. Josh will send you a dick pic

Josh Smith:

I will send dick pics to all followers.

Angeline Compau:

So everybody start following

Josh Smith:

with the audience. We're not sure if it's a boat or a golf cart depending on where we live in the keys. So if we live a fair bit for one of those private beaches, you know that are all the

Angeline Compau:

you want a golf cart now.

Josh Smith:

Beck and I want to walk 1000 yards carrying chairs and coolers to the beach or do we want to get in a golf cart

Angeline Compau:

I mean you could get a good one used.

Josh Smith:

I don't need anything fancy?

Angeline Compau:


Josh Smith:

Of course

Angeline Compau:

save up the boat

Josh Smith:

I'd like it more fancy. You know your four seater?

Angeline Compau:

Yes, you do what if you have company

Josh Smith:

that's right?

Angeline Compau:

And you want to put Jasper on it so he can ride

Josh Smith:

that fucking dogs. He's gonna walk the leash held?

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, yeah. run alongside.

Josh Smith:

Oh, yeah.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, you guys are lame.

Josh Smith:

Oh, no

Angeline Compau:

let him ride.

Josh Smith:

So I just want to be clear. It'll be a boat, or a boat or a golf cart. I can't. Something like that. But either way, it'll be cool.

Rebecca Smith:

Thanks for listening either way.

Josh Smith:

And yeah, thanks.

Angeline Compau:

And all followers. Remember, you're getting dick pics. So?

Josh Smith:


Rebecca Smith:

whether you want it or not?

Angeline Compau:

Yes. Yes. We're gonna put a smiley face on it

Rebecca Smith:

we're going to lose listeners.

Josh Smith:

I hope my parents don't listen,

Rebecca Smith:

it's funny because all of our friends and family are probably our only listeners

Angeline Compau:

I know they're like we do not want that.

Rebecca Smith:

You're going to have to send your sister dick

Josh Smith:

I don't think my sisters sisten to this, or my pics now. mom.

Angeline Compau:

Oh, my goodness.

Josh Smith:

That's good.

Rebecca Smith:

Do not know

Josh Smith:

good deal.

Rebecca Smith:

All right.

Angeline Compau:

I'm gonna start saving the dick pics I'm getting and that's what we're gonna start sending out.

Rebecca Smith:

Oh, yeah,

Josh Smith:

You get dick pics sent to you?

Angeline Compau:

they're like just flowing. I don't know what's happening

Rebecca Smith:

dicks are flowing.

Josh Smith:

This is gonna be a topic. I'm gonna add this for later.

Angeline Compau:

We'll talk about this next week.

Rebecca Smith:

Bye, everybody.

Angeline Compau:

Bye Greg Louganis.

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